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Mit so einer "Verlängerung" vorne am Helm magst du nicht unter Tage 8h rumlaufen.
Wenn selbst die kurze Verlängerung zu lang ist, dann ist die Lampe in sich zu lang. Denn mindestens die wird man brauchen, wenn man das so macht. Wenn ich sehe, dass das GoPro-Gegenstück am Helm sowieso auch verschraubt ist, dann würde ich erst recht basteln. Wahrscheinlich kriegt man den Kopfgurthalter sogar irgendwie direkt an den Helm. Aber nützt halt alles nix, wenn die Lampe sowieso zu groß ist.
Für eine vernünftige Lampe unter Tage ist ja eine Lupine sogar noch preiswert. Stören mich halt sie Akkus. Da bleibe ich wohl erstmal meiner Terra treu.
Hi Bruce, I hope you're able to give me some support. As mentioned above my battery pack failed. I sent a mail to Gloworm Support @ 23.12.2021 and another mail via the website some days ago. I'm sure I need a replacement for my battery as it's dead. But until now no answer.
Can you arrange a replacement for me?
It's a bit annoying being without a light for weeks now.
So, noch mal was Neues von meinem toten Akku. Wie weiter oben beschrieben ist das Ding ja mit Hieroglyphen auf dem Display einfach hängen geblieben. Darauf hin habe ich bei luminous bikes und beim Gloworm-Support nach einem Austausch gefragt, nachdem die Tips von @GlowormLightsNZ zum "Aufwecken" des Akkus leider nicht gewirkt haben. Bis heute habe ich keine Antwort auf meine insgesamt 3 Anfragen bekommen. O. K., es war Weihnachten und Jahreswechsel, irgendwann müssen die Jungs ja auch mal ne Pause machen. Aber so gar keine Reaktion? Find ich nicht wirklich prickelnd.

Nun gut, über 3 Wochen hat das OLED-Display am Akku jetzt geleuchtet. Nun scheint der Akku endlich leer zu sein, und das Display war gestern aus. Komischerweise lässt er sich jetzt wieder laden und die Lampe funktioniert wieder. Zumindest zuhause in der warmen Werkstatt. Bein dem Wetter hatte ich keine Gelegenheit mehr, zu fahren.

Ich bin jetzt gespannt ob ich noch mal eine Antwort bekomme. Oder auf das Software-Update welches am 17. erscheinen soll, warte. Aber so wirklich zufriedenstellend ist das Ganze nicht mehr für mich. Überlege auch ob ich die Lampe nicht einfach bei dem Händler bei dem ich sie gekauft habe zurück geben soll.
Das ist alles keine Lösung, denn dann habe ich wieder keine Beleuchtung mehr. Und wenn der Akku wieder hängen bleibt kann ich doch nicht 3 Wochen warten bis er entladen ist und wieder läuft...

Siehe den Post unten. Vielleicht wird doch alles gut.
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Hey, sorry I haven't answered sooner. It was the weekend here. I'll get back to you today.... Its 7am here and just woke up . I'll follow up with customer service about the emails too. We were shut down for holidays which may explain the lack of reply. Rest assured yous will get the support you need. Cheers B
Hi Andi - I'll send you a message via Direct Message to avoid unnecessary chat on the thread. Cheers
Hab nur sehr kurz getestet.
-Firmware Versionen von Lampe und Akku werden jetzt angezeigt.
-Button für Check auf Firmwareupdates ist vorhanden
-1% Blitzen ist wohl weg. Dafür hab ich das Gefühl dass die Lampe bei 1% jetzt leicht "flimmert". Bei 2% ist davon nichts mehr zu sehen. Kann ich mit leben.

-Das "Kälteproblem" hab ich nicht getestet.
Ich habe gestern die App und die Firmware upgedatet. Danach nur Funktionstest in der Werkstatt. So weit alles gut.
Praxistest steht noch aus.
Kleines Update: War heute Abend ca. 0,75 Std. bei Regen und 3°C unterwegs. Also echtes Sche****-Wetter. Akku war am Unterrohr befestigt. Funktion einwandfrei.
Hi there and gloworm team, i got the same problem here...

From my 2 mails to gloworm nz and greece....
i have a big problem with my XS G2.0 battery pack bought in 11/2021.

For my last ride I did charge it fully and did connect it to the light and remote o.k.

I then did decide to ride without the light as it was not dark yet.

I did power down the light via remote an did disconnect the battery and had it in my Backpack during the ride. No rain, +11°Celsius. I did ride it before in freezing cold temps before without any problem ...

Later that ride, when trying to connect the light, it did not power up. The battery oled is showing (3 days) its battery “block” design showing it is fully charged constantly(!).

The headlight unit didn´t react (green/blue/red button) at all.

Nor did connecting the charger or app do any difference.

The fully charged blocks on the battery are there constantly as if the battery is “stuck” or freezed.

Factory reset or dead Charge did nothing either.

Greets, stay healthy, please help me out!

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You‘ve got the same problem which I had with my light, too. I believe your only chance is waiting until the battery is discharged completely by the display. This process may take several days. After that it should reset.
Mine is working again and after this had happened I immediately updated the firmware. I hope this bug never will appear again. My light is working flawlessly now.

Would be interesting if Bruce @GlowormLightsNZ had any updates for us!

I recommend to turn on the light when you start your ride. If it isn‘t already dark outside dim it down to 1% output. It will last for many many hours at 1% so that is not a problem.
...the battery ist fully charged...ist will take weeks or months until it is discharged by laying around....hope gloworm is getting in contact....strange the battery is not reacting at all.
@Teevee Which firmware version ist installed on your device? Did you use the version which has been around since Jan 11. or any older one?
My battery pack failed @ let‘s say 30%. I expected weeks or months for discharging. But it took 2 weeks or so and the display turned off.
Hey Tim

Sorry you've had this experience with your light.

I'll provide some more info in your DM but just know it was the weekend here so I couldn't get online.

We'd be happy to swap out your battery to get you going again in this situation.


Hi Bruce and Gloworm Team, thats customer support! Thank you very much for your reply and service in advance!
Great light, great support.

Replacement battery is on its way...by DHL Express, ...right away, wow!

Light the night! Thanks very much!

Greets Tim
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@GlowormLightsNZ yesterday I rode a 1,5h MTB Tour in the light rain. After ca. 1h the Lamp can`t be turn on. The purple Factory reset was possible but now it`s only glow red and won`t turn on. The akkupak only shows the half full battery.
Can you give me a solution.
Thank you
Greets Pascal

Nachtrag: Gloworm has already replied and will solve this problem.
Thank you
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Today I went out for a ride. First time after last winter I planned to mount the gloworm unit on my bike. I charged the battery until 100 percent full and tested everything including the bt remote. Everything was fine. After 2 hours of ride I wanted to turn on the light. Outside temp was about 18 degrees. But nothing happened. Totally dead! I had to use my mobile phone as an emergency light on the handlebar. Sad. The light itself is working when connected to the charger. But the battery seems to be dead. No digits on the display visible. Simply nothing! I‘m really sad about this unit. Totally unreliable.
Don‘t know what to do now. Throw it in the bin? Send it back for repair? I don’t know… Totally annoying.
O. k. Now my battery has been exchanged by Gloworm via the distributor where I bought the light. A first functional test was successfull. We will see if the light is reliable in real life. The new battery seems to be an updated version. The case is slightly different in the connector area. There is a sort of a rubber compound applied around the connector.

I can tell you if the battery fails it is possible to power the light with an USB-C power bank which supports PD-A standard and 8.4V. You can get these with 10000mAh and 30W for about 30-40 bucks at Amazon. That works fine but you have to be aware of humidity. The connector of course only fits the powerbank without this little rubber seal and it does not snap in like it does on the original battery. But it works.
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