GLOWORM Lampen / Erfahrungen und Fragen

Bin gespannt ob dann alles funktioniert.
Da bin ich überaus gespannt. Aber ehrlich: Wenn 4 Lampen bei 3 Leuten blitzen, dann wird es die 5. auch tun.
Ich bin auch gespannt, ob das Blitzen sich irgendwie abstellen lässt, ohne das man andere Nachteile hat. Vielleicht beharken sich da Regler und PWM-Frequenz auf ungünstige Weise. Und eine andere PWM-Frequenz geht nicht, weil das wahlweise fiept, flimmert, oder die BT-Verbindung stört...(alles haltlose Mutmaßungen!).
Eine Antwort auf meine Mail habe ich bis jetzt noch nicht (und auf Mails aus Neuseeland brauch man nach dem Mittag natürlich nicht mehr warten).


Re: GLOWORM Lampen / Erfahrungen und Fragen
Da bin ich überaus gespannt. Aber ehrlich: Wenn 4 Lampen bei 3 Leuten blitzen, dann wird es die 5. auch tun.
Das vermute ich leider auch. Aber ich hoffe die wird vorher ordentlich getestet. Vielleicht auch ne schlechte Charge LEDs/Chips?! kein Plan. Von den Problemen hat man ja sonst noch nichts gehört außer hier. Wäre intressant ob es bei der XS (die mit den 3 LEDs) auch die Probleme gibt.
Ich komme gerade von einer Tour zurück. Bei 1% ist mir 2x ein Blitz aufgefallen, jeweils bei einer Pause. Danach habe ich aber überwiegend den Flashmode und die versch. Leuchtstufen verwendet, da war alles unauffällig.
Hat jemand Lust, mal noch den Frost-Test zu machen?
Auf 1 % in den Tiefkühler schmeißen und mit der App zugucken, wie die Temperatur fällt, dabei immer mal auf den Bildschirm tatschen, damit der nicht einschläft. Das dauert bei mir ca. 20 Minuten. Wenn man die Kabel nach dem entnehmen zum auftauen gesteckt lässt, sollte dabei gar nichts passieren können.

Insbesondere beim großen Akku würde mich das interessieren. Hat den noch jemand, außer @Walkerk ?
Ich habe auch den großen Akku. Vielleicht mach ich diesen Test auch mal.

Ich finde es wirklich gut dass @HabeDEhre diesen Thread an den Hersteller weiter geleitet hat. Nur mit Feedback, auch mit negativem, kann das Produkt verbessert werden. Bin immer noch guter Dinge dass in naher Zukunft ein Firmware Update alles behebt.
Eigentlich wären mir die Prozente unter 30 wurst…aber im Straßenverkehr brauche ich den 1%-Modus. Sonst brennt man ja sämtlichen Gegenverkehr weg…:(
Mir gehts dabei auch um das "Abblendlicht" im Straßenverkehr beim Pendeln/Weg zu den Trails oder der obligatorischen Bier/Glühwein-Pause beim Nightride. Und wie gesagt akzeptiere ich bei ner 200€ Lampe solche Macken nicht.
Nur mit Feedback, auch mit negativem, kann das Produkt verbessert werden.
Der Hersteller ist schon an Kundenrückmeldungen interessiert, sonst wäre er ja nicht bei Dort ist übrigens auch der amerikanische Glowormdistributor (Action LED) aktiv, ich denke da kommt einiges an Rückmeldungen nach NZ.
Klingt ja bisher auch recht kooperativ und kundenorientiert. Sollte es aber auch bei den Preisen ;)

Ansonsten: Finde ich gut, dass es hier mal abseits der Lupinelampen diesen Thread gibt (und die hochpreisigen Lupinelampen haben ja durchaus auch ihre Macken...)
No. Only from the off position. Or I can't use it ...
What is also worth mentioning, you can also program the switch so that you switch the lamp brighter with one button and darker with the other. You can also pair another lamp with this one switch and then operate it simultaneously or separately.

Regarding the battery: I think GW naturally wants to market its in-house battery. This also has a small OLED display with various display options. It also seems to have a motion sensor, but as soon as you pick it up, the display goes on and shows the charge status. In addition, there is the possibility to update the battery firmware (and also the lamp firmware) with the mobile phone app via BT. To what extent this is still possible with an accessory battery remains to be found out. By the way, the 10,000 battery lasts a very long time in practice. Most of the time I get into the dark on the way back and then need the special mode and also the light levels on the last piece of forest home. So I easily pack 5 tours until the next charging process.

What I would also be interested in is whether the battery can also feed a second device (smartphone) in parallel with a Y-cable or a kind of mini-hub. It works as a separate power bank.

The attachment of the battery under the top tube is still suboptimal for me. I want to try to attach the battery to the bottle holder using the Fidlock. I got the parts for it today. If the tinkering should work, I'll post pictures.
Hey, unfortunately the battery will no allow draw from 2 devices. Thanks!
I only have the small battery and it goes to the helmet or the back of the headband (splitboarding, hiking, camping) ... it's a terrible fiddling with the headband because the Velcro constantly gets stuck on the tape.

On the helmet, I'm not yet sure how well the whole thing holds when shaken properly (battery is already attached horizontally).

What else I noticed:
- Could it be that you have to reconnect the remote control every time you disconnect the lamp and battery !?

- The iOS app needs an update, hangs up with me under iOS15 almost every time you want to create a new profile
Thanks for the feedback, can you give some more information about what is happening with the App regards IOS15? We'd be interested in making immediate changes to fix this. Cheers
I am also concerned with the "low beam" in traffic when commuting / on the way to the trails or the obligatory beer / mulled wine break on the night ride. And as I said, I do not accept such quirks with a 200 € lamp.
We certainly understand and accept that you shouldn't have to deal with these issues. This is one of the reason we built in the ability to update FW in both the light and battery. No product is ever going to be perfect and every single issue is never going to be discovered. Mobile phones are a perfect example.

The issue with the low power flash is being investigated as we speak and a firmware update will be rolled out as soon as we can.

We'll post when it is ready to go!
I couldn't resist and once ordered an X2 G2.0 with the small battery.
Does the lamp actually talk to the battery? And / or can the lamp also be operated from a different USC-C source? If so, what if it doesn't have enough thump?
Does the lamp adhere to the PD standard?
Questions upon questions ...
Your lamp talks to the battery and negotiates power requirement. The system is designed around USB PD and although will work with USB protocols it will be at low power.
Today the first disillusionment: The lamp just got out of the car, luckily not while I was driving (and in that case I would have had a second lamp in operation anyway). It was slightly cold (-4 ° C), I had the lamp on for a while, maybe a good half an hour. Then there was a short cocoa break, during which I first dimmed the lamp all the way down and then switched it off completely. When we wanted to continue, the lamp no longer wanted. The display on the battery did not show anything, the lamp did not mux, and reconnecting the cable did not help either. At home, after "defrosting" it works again, the battery is 79%.

How is your experience in cold temperatures?
If the lamp comes off reproducibly in this way, it is unfortunately unusable for me.
On the website I cannot find any information on ambient temperature limits for operation ...
Hey, we are currently looking into the low temp limits and the ability to adjust these limits a little. The temp limits are governed by the batteries and looking after the life of those batteries. Using batteries at cold or very hot temperatures is not good practice however we were being a little conservative when setting those limits. Usually when the light is running, the heat generated by the battery electronics is enough to keep cells at a good temperature (below 60deg C and above 0). However if the battery is left to sit in the cold, it may get so cold that it will not turn on. We'll get back to you if we can increase these limits.
I would like to know that too. I'm relatively sure that I never saw anything about software updates in the app (Android). So no display / popup, and also no menu item with which I could check manually.
You should be notified automatically of available updates. The latest App update that has the latest FW update is 1.10. maybe a manual app check will be useful - we'll look into that!
The support from Greece wrote the following to me about firmware:

have you updated the firmware? the correct time shown etc are being solved by updating the firmware
it is not done automatically, you need to to do a couple of clicks
you have to pair the phone to the app and wait up to a couple of minutes before the message that prompts you to update is shown

if the message does not appear, force stop the app from your phone settings and start again

if not, uninstall and install the app and try again
i've updated some batteries myself, so i give you this tips from experience

Also, some crazy letters showing, might happen if you have unplugged the lightset-battery pair in a very humid environment, which is not recommended
but, give it a few hours and it will be back to normal

in any case, do your tests and send me your feedback
if the issues remain, you got you covered and we will proceed with a warranty replacement

However, it didn't work for me. New lamp is now at home. I'm going to test tonight
Hey - some of the guidance given here is a little inaccurate from our Greek team. We're all learning about the new products and as such some of the information can get confusing when giving advice.

We had an issue where some of the digits on the screen were not legible. This was a FW bug, nothing to do with moisture. A FW update has been released to correct this.

The app checks the connected devices as soon as they are connected. IF an update is required you will be notified immediately. If you do not get the prompt, then hard stop the app and restart. This check process is more to do with the different types of phone accessing the app than it is to do with the app.
Short test of the new lamp head: "Same shit, different day" Shows exactly the same behavior as the old one. Flashing at a low setting and no firmware update on two different Android smartphones. Either it's the battery or I'm out of luck with the lamp. Slowly it really annoys me too ...
Edit: Android version even older than ios
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Hey - the reason that Andorid is behind IOS is that we had some extras issues with IOS that we did not have with Android. We have not released a FW update since this particular app update, so if it does not offer an update then your devices are fully up to do date. The flashing at low power is yet to be fixed, but we are working on it as we speak.
Hi All - I'm Bruce the co-owner and designer of our products. I was just made aware of this forum by our friends in Greece, so I've taken the time to go through the thread and reply to anything that I thought may be useful.

There were a few common themes/questions and I'll address them again below.

But first I wish to thank you all for the feedback. We began our life on where it's members helped us develop our product and continue to provide feedback to this day. I'm hope we can get similar feedback from you guys!

The G2.0 range was a giant leap forward for us in terms of technology and one of the reasons we designed the App was to give us the ability to update firmware to change features and correct bugs. As with any new product bugs will always be found but with our system most of the time they can be dealt with.

In the future and after reading this message please feel free to continue to ask questions and provide insights on the use of our products. We truly want to hear from you and will reply on a regular basis.

Here is the common feedback and some answers to those questions:

Light Flickering at 1%

Until now (via email and this forum) we had never received any feedback about this issue. We are 95% sure it is a FW bug that was not picked up in testing. When I tested the product, we did not spend too much time at very low outputs. We electronically tested the lights and battery but did not physically test ride the light at 1%. Either way, we are now investigating the issue and once solved we will release an update and advise you of the release.

Pairing the remote each time the light is connected to the battery

This is a carry over from our G1.0 product and was done so for a reason. Our remote has many functions and can connected to one or many lights. If a pair was maintained, it would then be difficult or frustrating for a user to add or remove a light when this functionality was needed. We made the decision that creating the pair each time was the lesser inconvenience.

Battery mounting

We acknowledge that this area could be improved and we are actively looking at design changes or accessories to create a better solution. This includes the velcro that some find a little difficult to use.

Manual FW Update Check

Based on this feedback I will be working with our app designer this week to add a dropdown menu item to manually initiate a check of FW Updates. This is a great idea!

Display of current FW version on device

Once again, we will be working on adding this info to a common screen on the app to allow the user to see which version of FW each device is running. This will be a great addition.

Zero degree battery shutoff

The battery was programmed to protect the cells by not allowing discharge below -10 deg c (or above 60 deg c). The temp sensor is located on the electronic board and sits on top of the cells. When operating, the heat generated by the electronics is partially transferred into the battery cells. This serves to warm the batteries in cold temperatures (and heat them in warmer temps - not ideal but protection is in place if it gets too hot). We programmed the battery to shut off in times when the estimated battery temp drops below -10 deg c , this was assessed to be when the electronics reached zero. We realise this is not helpful when it's really cold and your light shuts down. As such we're going to look at reducing power when temps are low to avoid damage to the cells, rather than complete shutoff.

I addition we also recommend that if it is very cold outside and you do leave your bike for a prolonged stop, that you take your battery with you or keep it in a bag. Although with our new programming this should not matter as you should still be able to start up your light when it's cold albeit at very low power.

I hope this all helps in some way and I look forward to hearing back from you at some time in the future!


Hi Bruce,

I highly rate that you chimed in here. It surely will be possible to improve G2.0 with the experience of our users here.
You mentioned some good ideas above. Considering the app some updates would be very nice.
You wrote the light has not been tested very much at lower outputs. I think flickering randomly occurs up to 30%. But for me it is really important to use 1% light output on the streets, too. More power will result in such a bright light output that you're be able to beam away every car in front of you... 😎

And for mounting the powerpack unit at the bike please look at my solution above in post #26. This fidlock stuff really works and is bombproof. Maybe you'll be able to offer a proper adapter to fit the powerpack to fidlock's base plate in future. Or offer a similar system as an accesoire. I think printing a prototype via 3D should be easy but unfortunately I do not have the ability for this. And personally for me it would be a great addition to get a power cable length at let's say 90cm.
Commercially availible USB-C cables cannot be used because of the lack of water proofness. And the standard USB-C connector itself is too weak for proper machanically fitting the cable.


Thanks for the feedback, can you give some more information about what is happening with the App regards IOS15? We'd be interested in making immediate changes to fix this. Cheers
Hi Bruce, first big thanks for coming over to this forum and offering your help and insights directly on this thread ... that's what I call perfect customer service.

Regarding my problems with the iOS App on my phone:

When I'm connected to the headlight and switch between profiles in this screen:

The app switches to this screen and freezes completely:


Same happens when I'm creating a new profile, it freezes in this screen:

The only way to get it working is closing the app via the app rotation and then restart it.

Phone is an iPhone 13 Pro with iOS 15.1.1

Would be great if there will be a quick App Update to fix this.

Edit: And regarding the low temperature problem, maybe a simple neoprene sleeve for the batteries could do the trick, as it just keeps the cold wind (wind chill effect) from cooling it down too much.
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Hi Bruce, first big thanks for coming over to this forum and offering your help and insights directly on this thread ... that's what I call perfect customer service.
Thanks - we try!

I've passed your feedback onto our App designer and will get back to you with an update or a solution.
Hi Bruce,

I highly rate that you chimed in here. It surely will be possible to improve G2.0 with the experience of our users here.
You mentioned some good ideas above. Considering the app some updates would be very nice.
You wrote the light has not been tested very much at lower outputs. I think flickering randomly occurs up to 30%. But for me it is really important to use 1% light output on the streets, too. More power will result in such a bright light output that you're be able to beam away every car in front of you... 😎

And for mounting the powerpack unit at the bike please look at my solution above in post #26. This fidlock stuff really works and is bombproof. Maybe you'll be able to offer a proper adapter to fit the powerpack to fidlock's base plate in future. Or offer a similar system as an accesoire. I think printing a prototype via 3D should be easy but unfortunately I do not have the ability for this. And personally for me it would be a great addition to get a power cable length at let's say 90cm.
Commercially availible USB-C cables cannot be used because of the lack of water proofness. And the standard USB-C connector itself is too weak for proper machanically fitting the cable.



We've already started to look at the fidlock idea plus also other options where the battery can 'click' into place.

Thanks again for the feedback and we'll update as we can.
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