Im Fox Ordner unter Cheat Sheet xls habe ich das gefunden, bei meinem Dämpfer mit 7.875" 2,25" 57mm sind es 61mm Tiefe.
Place the damper body into a soft-jaw vise and fill the body to the top with 10 wt. FOX Suspension Fluid.
Push the bearing housing all the way down to the topout plate on the back side of the damper piston.
Push the bearing housing downward into the oil and
wiggle it back and forth as you thread the bearing housing onto the body threads. This will help oil pass around the damper piston as it lowers into the damper body. As you thread the bearing housing onto the body, you will see oil flow out of the bleed port on top of the bearing housing. This is normal. If oil does not come out, you should unthread the bearing housing, top off the body with oil, and try again.
Drop the steel ball into the bleed port and thread in the set screw. Tighten to 15 in-lbs. (1.03 N-m)
So ganz verstehen tue ich das nicht was man da genau rumschieben soll.