Australien DHer en Karlsruhe

27. Mai 2004

Ich bin ein Australien (Brisbane) von Jetz en Karlsruhe (entshuldigung ich sprech nicht gut deutsch). Ich habe 2003 Specialized Big Hit DH mit BoXXers, Hayes Mag, ...

Ich möchte DH race in Deutschland (amateur). Sorry it is much faster in English (hope that is OK - I don't need to go back and forwards to Leo). If anyone can tell me where there are suitable races/events (hopefully near Karlsruhe) that would be great - also the rules/ entry requirements, etc... (I have 661 knee/shin guards and arm/elbow guards - what other armour do I need?).

I would also like to know some good places to do DH/FR riding??? And if anyone else lives in/Near Karlsruhe I would be keen to ride with them.


On June 26/27th there´s a race in Bad Wildbad. It´s approximately 50 km from Karlsruhe. For participation you need a complete armor jacket.

we´re a group non-prof locals freeriding/dh/fr-touring called the Northernlights.
On my site (click on the little black tree) you can see some little freeride facilities around Karlsruhe. You see, Karlsruhe is not the worst place for freeriding, and some dh-parks are also not very far.
Please post in the forum "Freiburg - Karlsruhe - Schwarzwald" - for shure you´ll find there somebody for a ride. Like Scoolboy mentioned there will be a dH-race this weekend in Bad Wildbad, a little town not to far from Karlsruhe, 25 minutes by car. I´ll go there evt. Saturday evening, for shure Sunday morning - and I can give you a ride. (then there would be two Big Hits in my bus...)


vielen dank für die antworten,

dieser wockende ich have eine wedding to attend - will have to wait for next weekend and the next race - but I am very keen to get out and do some real riding (Karlsruhe is too flat). I don't have a car yet so would be happy to pay some €€€ for benzin if someone else has a shuttle bus.

Where is the best place to buy body armour from? US (internet) or a nearby fahrradladen???

How can I post some pics of the riding we do in Australien???

I will post in the Karlsruhe forum.

BenfromOZ schrieb:
vielen dank für die antworten,
dieser wockende ich have eine wedding to attend - will have to wait for next weekend and the next race - but I am very keen to get out and do some real riding (Karlsruhe is too flat). I don't have a car yet so would be happy to pay some €€€ for benzin if someone else has a shuttle bus.

you can also go by train, most good places in the nearby black forrest are easily reached by public transport. But if you come with us, FEZ normaly has a lot of room in his transporter.

BenfromOZ schrieb:
Where is the best place to buy body armour from? US (internet) or a nearby fahrradladen???

internet or fahrradladen, but you can stay in germany even for the internet ... :D :D :D ... try for example

for local shops, mayby FEZ or TRAILRIDER have some good Ideas

BenfromOZ schrieb:
How can I post some pics of the riding we do in Australien???

attach them direktly to your post, or upload them to your personal "photoalbum", then you can put them in without the Thumbnail previews.

good luck, Marcus

P.S. hope you will also come for a beer in Karlsruhe sometimes to discover what bad yellow "dontknow" you drink down under ...

:D :D
hi ben,

just have a look here . ist almost allways up to date. futheron you can look here it is containing informations about the czech dh scene and the races there. but probably you need a lizence.

stay tuned and take care
bodo bagger schrieb:
futheron you can look here it is containing informations about the czech dh scene and the races there
was soll er denn damit bitte in Karlsruhe anfangen....:confused:

hier gehts um Karlsruhe, Deutschland,nicht Karlsbad, Tschechien :D
fez schrieb:
was soll er denn damit bitte in Karlsruhe anfangen....:confused:

hier gehts um Karlsruhe, Deutschland,nicht Karlsbad, Tschechien :D

er fragte hopefully near karlsruhe hat es aber nicht eingegrenzt. also lern englisch fang an zu denken und mach den mund danach auf.

wollte ihm eigentlich auch generell nur nen überblick über rennen in deutschland und rund herum geben. ich hoffe das übersteigt dein geografischen kenntnisse nicht und du negierst auch nicht, dass selbst karlsbad im an deutschland angrenzenden gebiet liegt. oder darf ich bei dir auf generation pisa schließen? das würde einiges erklären.
ich habe vollkommen übersehen dass Tschechien ja total nah an Karlsruhe liegt (bis zum nächsten tschechischen DH-Möglichkeit mind. 600 km grob geschätzt)

Aber was sind für einen Australier schon 600 km... Ein Klacks !

bodo bagger schrieb:
offtopic: ich fahr in der regel 600 bis 1200 für rennen. pro strecke wohlgemerkt.

echt schlimm für dich, aber unser Aussi hat ja nicht den Fehler begangen, nach Kiel zu ziehen ... :D :D :D
hi !

body armour... well, just say what you want, i'll see if i can get it. im living in baden-baden, which is about 30 minutes from KA. we have a small downhill course here, not really technical, but loads of fun. :D

this weekend i'm at bad wildbad, then from monday to wednesday i'm at work, but after that...

i'm always looking forward to meet new people.

just write me a short message (PM) and i'm sure we can find the time to go riding together. maybe some of the northernlights will come too?

martin aka crossie
hi ben,

look at for chest armors and stuff...its cheap, you can buy it now and have low shipping costs...
use the search: "brustpanzer" or go by brands like 661 or fox...greetz from eastgermany ;-)
croissant schrieb:
just write me a short message (PM) and i'm sure we can find the time to go riding together. maybe some of the northernlights will come too?

martin aka crossie

hi crossie

unfortunately i can´t come along due of the examinations next week (mathematics and material science). wish you all loadsa fun and allways a save and funny ride. greets to all the guys who are going to wildbad. will be back in todnau at least.
hey Ben,
you should definitely check out Todtnau, which is about 2 hours south of Karlsruhe, near Freiburg.Todtnau has a sick dh-track, most people consider it one of the best in germany. the german championship is coming up on july 17th, as far as i know everyone can should also check out the swiss race series called ixs cup, they have some sweet tracks down there, like Scuol, Laax, etc.
Vielen Dank für die Antworten.

I have been very busy and only just checked back on the site - The German Championships this weekend!!!

So the German championships are at Todtnau this weekend!!! How can I get there and how much does it cost (just to spectate - I don't have a new full face or chest/back protection yet).
enter to get a timetable of the trains. the disadvantage is, that they dont indicate the prices (on my browser), though you can ask someone from karlsruhe driving to todtnau too.
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