Rekordweltmeister erneut Verletzt
Nico Vouilloz wird beim EWS-Auftakt ausfallen

Wie Lapierre Bikes – Sponsor und Arbeitgeber von Rekordweltmeister Nico Vouilloz – soeben mitteilte, wird der Franzose beim Auftakt der diesjährigen Enduro World Series in Chile nicht an den Start gehen können. Vouilloz sei erneut verletzt, heißt es in der Pressemitteilung.

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Nachdem sich Nico bereits vergangenes Jahr eine schwere und langwierige Verletzung an der Hand zugezogen hatte und sich anschließend auch am Knie operieren lassen musste, scheint er nun erneut außer Gefecht zu sein. Bei einer seiner ersten Trainings-Ausfahrten nach fünf Monaten der Genesung sei er unglücklich gestürzt und habe sich dabei den Meniskus verletzt. Eine erste Operation habe er bereits hinter sich. Dennoch gehe er nicht davon aus, rechtzeitig zum Start der EWS-Saison wieder fit zu sein.

# Der verletzte Nico Vouilloz im Gespräch mit seinem Nachbarn Fabien Barel beim EWS-Finale 2013. 

Aus aktuellem Anlass die gesamte Pressemitteilung in englischer Fassung:

After avoiding injury for most of his career, luck has not been on Nico Vouilloz’s side recently. Following a break of several months (scaphoid fracture and operation for crossed ligaments on his left knee) at the end of the 2013 season, the Lapierre rider had recently restarted training. Unfortunately, a recent fall has put an end to his training.  This time it was the turn of his right knee to suffer.

Nico tells us :

„I hurt myself a fortnight ago and was operated on last week. It was during one of my first MTB rides in 5 months. I was on an XC bike and I lost balance in a slow technical section, catching my shorts on my saddle… I fell on the downslope on the opposite side to that which had been operated, my leg tense, and craaaack! 

Verdict, internal lateral ligament partially torn, meniscus damaged. As I already  had no crossed ligament, all medical experts advised me to have this added on as I wouldn’t get very far with both ligaments missing ! I therefore decided to go for an operation with a synthetic ligament, that should have a fast recovery, we’ll see.“

Nico will therefore not be present at the first round of the  Enduro World Series in Chili, but if his recovery time is fast, will be at the 2nd round in Scotland. Once again, the racer and Lapierre R&D team member had this competition as his priority. No longer able to aim for the overall win of the EWS, his intent is to be back on top form for the end of the season and to participate, as always, in the tests and development of Lapierre bikes.

Whilst waiting for better days, it’s rest and recuperation for Nico. You can support Nico on his facebook page :

Good luck Nico !

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