Barred For Life 2 – Teaser online

Englische Pressemitteilung: „Barred For Life 2“ ist endlich fertig!

It’s been one hell of a haul bringing this project to life. Our original kick at the can started back in 2010, but having been plagued with some horrific athlete injuries, rehabilitation time and busy athlete schedules, we decided to pull the plug on the original start. It was a tough call having to scrap all the footage we had at the time, but we didn’t want to be pumping out 4 year old footage as the end result. Through this process, we had to sort out whether to cut our losses and walk away. Seeing as this was a major setback with our time frame and funds for the project at the time.

After months of pondering over the thought of not moving forward with the project, we came to the conclusion that we couldn’t let out friends down, as everyone worked so hard on their sections. So we reorganized and basically hit the road over the past two years, to bring the project to life. We just hope we did our part in showcasing these crazy guys in the best way possible.

We won’t be having an online premiere of the film, but wanted to really give everyone a feel for the film with the extra long teaser that we’ve put together. We hope that you’ve enjoyed the teaser and stay tuned for film sale information coming soon.

Barred For Life #2 Full teaser


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Barred For Life 2 soll im November 2013 auf DVD / BluRay und iTunes verfügbar sein.

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