Hier findest du den Bericht des Veranstalters zu Renntag 1 beim Andes Pacifico (auf englisch) – Maxis eigener Rennbericht folgt heute Mittag.

Today was the first day of competition of Andes Pacifico. The first thing everyone asked in the morning is how did you slept…. obviously anyone sleep because everybody as anxious. From 7:30 am competitors began with the first link to the Aguila lift La Parva Ski Center at 2800 meters, which led to the sector called Piuquenes that led to Valle Amarillo.

The SS1 began with a fast section and then enter a Singletrack with no grip or #antigrip and then reach a rocky area and more than a few little drops where a few riders had crashes without even realizing it. Then the track ended with a sector of more than 30 “ switchbacks “ that boil the brakes. This gave them a special ahead of what will be coming for the rest of the day . Very loose terrain, dusty and long descent singletracks are mainly traveled by carriers.

006 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Sven Martin
# 006 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Sven Martin

The SS2 began with a very fluid path which was very open and allowed to go very fast. In this Special our friend Chris Ball, told us that he loved the area and had been enjoying the fluidity of the path and open allowing you to see the immensity of the Andes .

The SS3 is a classic of every enduro or downhill rider in Chile. Today for the second time in the history this single track was used for a competition. We are talking about the famous curve 16 with the curve 14. These two singletrack made ​​a special that last almost 7 minutes which included the infamous uphill on turn 14 . The circuit as always has lots of stones and ditches that lately are larger which made riders sweat.

007 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Sven Martin
# 007 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Sven Martin

At the end of this special, it ws the food supply area supply was where Santa Cruz and Mountain Works gave mechanical assistance, supplied parts and even accompanied the fruits brought by the organization that had sandwiches , nuts and Red Bull . Then came the longest liason and uphill of all the race. Sven Martin mention that bikes should have a motor to do that type of climbs. 1200 meters of altitude made suffer all competitors.

009 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto
# 009 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto

But all this had an award which was the special SS4 Nido de Condores – Santuario that would take the last energy sparks of the riders . Unanimously all riders categorized this SS as the most complex of the day as 1,100 meters of vertical and over 16 minutes left everyone exhausts . The end of the special stage was in the picnic area of ​​the Nature Sanctuary where the river was used to recover the muscles and even take out the dust accumulates on the bikes. The big winner of the day was the World Champion Jerome Clementz who stepped forward to 45:29 minutes to the Chilean National Champion Nico Prudencio which came with 46:23 minutes. Third place went to François Bailly- Maitre that came with 47:27 minutes.

Ergebnisse von Tag 1: http://montenbaik.com/Resultados/


001 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Sven Martin
# 001 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Sven Martin

002 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Sven Martin
# 002 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Sven Martin

003 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Sven Martin
# 003 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Sven Martin

004 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Sven Martin
# 004 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Sven Martin

005 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Sven Martin
# 005 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Sven Martin

008 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Sven Martin
# 008 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Sven Martin

010 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto
# 010 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto

011 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto <Dave Trumpore
# 011 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto <Dave Trumpore

012 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto <Dave Trumpore
# 012 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto <Dave Trumpore

013 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto <Dave Trumpore
# 013 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto <Dave Trumpore

014 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto <Dave Trumpore
# 014 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto <Dave Trumpore

015 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto <Dave Trumpore
# 015 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto <Dave Trumpore

016 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto <Dave Trumpore
# 016 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto <Dave Trumpore

017 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Claudio Olguin Parra
# 017 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Claudio Olguin Parra

018 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Gilberto Carbonari
# 018 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Gilberto Carbonari

019 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Gilberto Carbonari
# 019 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Gilberto Carbonari

020 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Claudio Olguin Parra
# 020 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Claudio Olguin Parra

021 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Gary Perkin - www.flipper.co
# 021 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Gary Perkin – www.flipper.co

022 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Gilberto Carbonari
# 022 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Gilberto Carbonari

023 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Gilberto Carbonari
# 023 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Gilberto Carbonari

024 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Claudio Olguin Parra
# 024 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Claudio Olguin Parra

025 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Gary Perkin - www.flipper.co
# 025 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Gary Perkin – www.flipper.co

026 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Gilberto Carbonari
# 026 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Gilberto Carbonari

027 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Gilberto Carbonari
# 027 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Gilberto Carbonari

028 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Gilberto Carbonari
# 028 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Gilberto Carbonari

029 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Gary Perkin - www.flipper.co
# 029 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Gary Perkin – www.flipper.co

030 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Gilberto Carbonari
# 030 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Gilberto Carbonari

031 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Gilberto Carbonari
# 031 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Gilberto Carbonari

032 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Gary Perkin - www.flipper.co
# 032 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Gary Perkin – www.flipper.co

033 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Gary Perkin - www.flipper.co
# 033 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Gary Perkin – www.flipper.co

034 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Gary Perkin - www.flipper.co
# 034 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Gary Perkin – www.flipper.co

035 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 - Foto Gary Perkin - www.flipper.co
# 035 Andes Pacifico Tag 1 – Foto Gary Perkin – www.flipper.co


Fotos: Gary Perkin, Sven Martin Dave Trumpore and Claudio Olguin

  1. benutzerbild


    dabei seit 05/2012

    Die Bilder machen einen echt neidisch.

    Wo ist denn der Bericht von Maxi?

  2. benutzerbild


    dabei seit 12/2015

    Wow - incredible images. Looks like fun and great trails. Think I need to go there once...smilie

  3. benutzerbild


    dabei seit 06/2006

    Ich stelle mir gerade #26 kombiniert mit #30 vor! smilie

  4. benutzerbild


    dabei seit 08/2006

    The SS1 began with a fast section and then enter a Singletrack with no grip or #antigrip and then reach a rocky area and more than a few little drops where a few riders had crashes without even realizing it.

    smilie Whut???
  5. benutzerbild


    dabei seit 03/2008

    Hm, schön hier einen Bericht zu haben. Aber was ist mit Maxis Bericht?

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