[Video] STUND Episode 4
Utah und Kamloops

Romo stellt euch hier gleich Episode vier vor. Damit es eine Chance auf eine dritte Staffel gibt, gebt möglichst vielen Freunden die Links zu den Videos – je öfter diese angeschaut werden, desto leichter wird es sein Sponsoren von einer weiteren Saison zu überzeugen!

Utah and a trip to Kamloops. These two locations are the holy grail for mountain biking and almost every pro rider visits these two places once a year. Known for epic scenary, banging light, and big senders we set out to the Dessert for a tight 1 week trip to see what we could find this time. We also added a new rider on the trip that I think will get all of you stoked in more ways then one. After finishing up our last trip as a group there was still one thing left to do before we could send the boys home. If you tuned into episode 3 you know Garret still has a days work cut out for him.

Kamloops was a quick trip for Kinrade and myself. We decided to throw together a little bonus to this episode. Bringing along up and coming cinematographers Matt Gorveatte from Kelowna and Pete Bailey with from Whistler, Mike and I had it in our heads that we wanted to train a big step down line. So we took off to a place historical for this. We went back to the Ord road zone where I have filmed legendary gaps from The Collective, Barred for Life, and Drop in t.v. series. Pros to Mike Kinrade for following my ass!

Viewers be sure to post links on your own sites to come watch the STUND series and help bring back another season!

See you next Sunday for the final Episode!

Romo. Big Mountain for life!


Music: B-Boy Stance, by: Freestylers

Apears @ 00:52

SEGMENT 2 – Ridge line Riding

Music: Light and Colour (Subtxt) ___licensed

Appears @ 02:45

SEGMENT 3 – Castle Zone/Goblin Valley

Music: Woman King (Iron & Wine) ___licensed

Appears @ 05:05 Courtesy of Sub Pop Records…-ep/id45455346

SEGMENT 4 – Sender Zone

Music: We Are The One (Anti-Flag) ___licensed

Appears @ 09:14 – Courtesy of Side One Dummy Records…un/id313765552

SEGMENT 5- Kamloops

acceptable in the 80’s by: Calvin Harris

Appears @ 11:20…co/id254866548

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