Nathan Rennie verlässt nach 5 Jahren "The Syndicate"

Das Santa Cruz Syndicate Team teilte gestern mit, dass Natahn Rennie kommendes Jahr für ein anderes Team starten wird und bedankt sich in folgender Pressemitteilung für die vergangenen fünf Jahre:

The Santa Cruz Syndicate would like to announce the departure of Nathan Rennie from the squad as he looks to competing in 2009 with a new team (to be announced soon), and express our gratitude for the five years he raced for us from 2004 through 2008.

His three year contract with Santa Cruz was up and he has explored other options moving forward in his career and has chosen to race for another team. His big presence and sense of humor will be sorely missed as well as his powerhouse performances on the racetrack. We wish him well on his new team and will continue to be proud of him and his efforts.

Through the five years on the Syndicate Rennie has been the foundation of the squad. He brought so much laughter and story telling to the group along with many crazy beard configurations and horrifying haircuts for our entertainment. I don’t know how Josh Bryceland will be able to fill in, he barely has a whisker! Seriously though, Rennie climbed the podium 40 times in the five years for us, was twice Australian National Champion and earned a bronze medal at the 2006 World Championships and helped the Syndicate earn the #1 UCI Downhill Team Championship in 2008 while wearing the Syndicate colors.

Rob Roskopp remarks about Rennie, “An incredible rider, comedian, good friend and all around great man…. Rennie will be greatly missed. We wish him all the best moving forward”

Steve Peat says, “I would like to thank Nathan for all the fun times we have had together over the last three years I’ve been on the Syndicate. He was the King Pin when I joined the Syndicate and I learned lots from him. He always has the best stories and is always good fun to hang out with. I can’t wait until “Renoir’s Memoir’s” hits the newsstands. He is an asset to any bike company and a great friend to me. All the best with your new ride, mate!”

“I have known Nathan two years now but only properly since I have been on the Syndicate with him. He is a great teammate on and off the track and he had me in stitches all year long. I know Nathan will fit right on to any team with his personality and I wish him all the best in the future. It was a pleasure doing business with ya Renoir!” says Josh Bryceland.

Greg Minnaarcongratulates Nathan on his new ride and says, “I have always looked up to Nathan as one of the best downhillers in the world, so to finally be able to see the “Beast” manhandle that V10 in person definitely amped me up every time we rode. Good luck bud, I hope this new change brings a fresh spark to your racing.”

In conclusion Nathan has this to say, ”I just want to thank everyone involved with the Santa Cruz Syndicate including everyone back in Santa Cruz. All I can say is that I’m a little lost for words. For some time now I have needed some change in my life, on and off the bike. I feel a change for me is for the best in all aspects. I am looking forward to getting back to my best and having the right outlook to better myself, and the new people around me.

I have so many people to thank so of course, in true Rennie fashion I would like to thank the gift that we can all agree on which is the creation of the “wheel”. Myself and the wheel have a love hate relationship, but it always seems to keep turning.

I’m going to keep this short and sweet because it’s not like I’m losing any friends with my choice to change, it’s only giving myself a chance to shine like the kind of red Ozzy kid I am. I look forward to seeing you all at the races same as any year.

Keep it real, from your mate Nathan. Lots a love.”

I’ll have to cut the apron strings and let my boy move on, but Nathan will always be a family member to all of us on the Syndicate and at Santa Cruz Bicycles. Thanks for the memories Nathan!!

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