The Collective DVD: reingeschaut und zu gewinnen

The Collective ist der erste Bikefilm, dem das amerikanische Bike Magazin 10 von 10 Punkten gegeben hat. Die Kategorien Cinematography, Editing, Music und Originality bekammen immer die vollen 10 Punkte - wer den Film sieht weiss warum.
The Collecti

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smokeblowa schrieb:
Meinen Glückwunsch und viel Spaß! Der Film ist der Hammer :D
Ehrlich.. besser als Kranked IV und V oder NWD? (ja liegen immernoch aufm alten rechner und mein brenner funzt noch immer net und neues guckfutter is eh mal wieder fällig :lol: :lol: ) Naja.. werd in ner guten woche auch mal meine meinung zu mitteilen können...:D :lol:
Hallo allerseits,

konnte einfach nicht mehr aushalten und abwarten ob ich gewonnen habe
so habe ich mir den Film besorgt. Tja, was soll ich dazu schreiben – einfach

Die besten Fahrer der Welt an den besten Locations der Erde perfekt gedreht und mit super Musik ( bissl Rock, Rap, Reggae ).

Nicht nur „hoppserei“ non-stop sondern auch einige neue Kameraführungen und kurze Vorbereitungen der Biker vor den „Abgängen“.

Sehr empfehlenswert. Holt euch den Film ...... und mach nach...... :daumen:

Gruß aus Dortmund ( der Stadt der Fußball-Waschlappen ) :heul:

Xysiu 33
ich war bei der Premiere dabei in willingen und der war soooooooo
GEILO :lol: und dann waren SuperT und die anderen da... :D
EINFACH GEIL!!!!!! kaufen,kaufen,kaufen :daumen:
The Collective hat jetzt auch noch einen Preis gewonnen:

The Collective wins Best Cinematography Award at X-Dance Festival

Whistler B.C. February 1, 2005 - The good folks over in the PR department here at The Collective are on my case again about the need to spread the positive vibrations, so here you have it. Last week I had the good fortune to be down in Park City, Utah for the 4th Annual X-Dance Festival - it's a cool event that showcased 22 action sports films and took place at the same time as the epic Sundance Film Festival. The week was unreal - I saw a bunch of live music, some Sundance documentaries, and a ton of bike, surf, skate, and snow films. I also had the opportunity to meet a lot of great people in the action sports world and some super-friendly Utah locals.

There were 2 screenings of The Collective at X-Dance, both of which were followed by classic film festival style Q&A sessions. On the final night at the off-the-hook X-Dance Awards Party, The Collective was awarded the Best Cinematography Award. It was an honour to receive this award on behalf of Darcy Wittenburg, myself, and the whole crew, and was especially cool for me to see mountain biking recognized in this arena. I was stoked to be there for the event and to interact with other action sports filmmakers. The festival organizers seem genuinely interested in promoting the world of action sports - respect to everyone involved and thanks for recognizing The Collective and the sport of mountain biking.

The Collective is a 16mm mountain bike film that represents the collaborative efforts of some of the world's best mountain bikers. The film is an expression of their words, ideas, and most importantly, their riding. The Collective is sponsored by Adidas Eyewear, Specialized, Fox, Bean Around The World, Bike Magazine, Dakine, Manitou, Saint, and the Whistler Mountain Bike Park. To learn more about the film and see the trailer, check out the film’s website at Also check out the X-Dance website at
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