The Gasser: Stooge Speedbomb 29+ Build


23. September 2020
I reckon it is time I document a build in a thread here, it will be partially in English as my thoughts flow somewhat more freely that way for any longer post, but you will certainly have to deal with my grammatically challenged German in the comments.

Anyways, this will be a special one: a Stooge Speedbomb in the "Ochre" colorway is currently on its way from Andy in Shropshire to my overfull garage in the outskirts of Munich:

Stooge-Speedbomb-MoodWall - 1 (1).jpeg

So like a slightly neurotic Bridezilla I am starting to plan for the big day when it finally arrives and I can start with the build. Where to start today then? A Mood-Wall is what the wedding planner suggested, so let's get the inspiration flowing...

Stooge-Speedbomb-MoodWall - 1 (5).jpeg

Stooge-Speedbomb-MoodWall - 1 (6).jpeg
Stooge-Speedbomb-MoodWall - 1 (11).jpeg
Stooge-Speedbomb-MoodWall - 1.jpeg
Stooge-Speedbomb-MoodWall - 1 (2).jpeg
Stooge-Speedbomb-MoodWall - 1 (9).jpeg

Not a single bike in that set, but there are design features I want to go for as I love these old Gassers and Flattrackers (never mind the Porsche, there for the color): think old shit that has been tuned and customized a few ticks too far, roaring V8's sending pebbles of rubber in your face as a junky piece of scrap metal hooks up and sends into a wheelie down the Tesla can give me that kind of sensory overload. So, old shit that goes like stink, retro with modern performance, this has to be a core theme for the build...and with this the Stooges coming out of Andy's mind has a lot of appeal: steel frames with slack geo, modern disk brakes, possibility to run a dropper post and SS, a bi-plane rigid fork and tire clearance for 29 x 3 and beyond. For me that has got to be the Hotrod of the bicycle industry.

What about this ochre color? Is it curry, a deep mustard yellow, or simply what you find when you open the baby's diaper? I am not sure, from the few photos I have seen online the shade is not quite clear to me, and maybe not super-easy to find an accent for. But, I am thinking silver (brushed or polished) or maybe a platinum/gunmetal for the components, with some black (tires, grips, cable housings). It would be great to build up a wheelset with silver rims, getting some in at least 35mm inner width will be a challenge though.

I ordered the Stooge Junker bar (100mm rise), but I will probably do a few mock-ups with other bars as well. Sitting and staring on the bike with a coffee in my hand will happen, it will go through iterations and I also hope you bastards fellow forum members here will provide valuable input and mislead me on the way to get the Gasser-look right.


Re: The Gasser: Stooge Speedbomb 29+ Build
Hilfreichster Beitrag geschrieben von tonicwaterkaese

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Perfect colour for this frame - was my first choice as well. I was thinking of building it up very colourful - so blue, pink and silver would be mainly used for the parts. I know, it‘s a very thin line to get it right ….;)

I like your picture of this bike as well

And the hint about Knusperhexe and the rims is also perfekt - Silver rims👍👍

For the rims I would go to 40mm ID. Alternativly the RaceFace ARC looked good for me - and you get their stickers easily off.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Moodboard is nice, I really like the introduction of "This is fine" into it. Perfect colormatch!

Stooge Frames are always a looker!

For the silver rims if the Velocity order is already done, perhaps Reverse Black One silver is an option. You should be able to get rid of the decals on them (I plan to do that for a wheel build in the winter.)
Moodboard is nice, I really like the introduction of "This is fine" into it. Perfect colormatch!

Stooge Frames are always a looker!

For the silver rims if the Velocity order is already done, perhaps Reverse Black One silver is an option. You should be able to get rid of the decals on them (I plan to do that for a wheel build in the winter.)

Yes, the Reverse Black One is on my list, but at 30mm a bit too narrow. What I really like is the look of the (now discontinued) Surly Rabbit Hole:


However, the immediate plan will be to steal borrow a wheelset from my wife's 29er Willier and hope she will not ask what happened to that bike (haven't used it since I built her a retro Trek 950). I want to get it rolling and get a feel for the bike, improve it bit by bit.

According to the tracking status it looks like it will be delivered this Friday:

Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 11.51.12.png
Stooge-Speedbomb-TheGasserKlunker - 1.jpeg

Heute ist das Paket geliefert, keine Schaden und den Rahmen und Farbe sieht einfach geil aus. Ich denke die Idee mit silberne Teile lasse ich erstmal: mit einige schwarze Teile aus die Restekiste mach es mehr Sinn es in schwarz aufzubauen.

SS wäre auch cool, weil ich habe noch keins, und so ist dann eine Aufbau mit BMX-Kurbel und fette Kette (1/2"x1/8") die letzten Tage gewachsen. Euro-BB mit extra lange Distanzhülse (für 73mm), 28t Kettenblatt, schwarze Kette mit silberne Akzenten:


(Bilder von Parano Garage)

Etwas in dieser Richtung:


(Bild von Juan Pablo Morado BMX)

Ritzel (HG) hinten muss wahrscheinlich 14-18t sein, finde da nicht so viele Kandidaten (Halo?) für eine breite (1/2"x1/8") Kette, da hätte ich gerne Tips von euch (kein dünne Blech, muss fett sein).
I ordered some part today so there can be some progress during next week. I will build the proper wheelset sometime during the fall to keep costs a bit spread out, for now I have some plain vanilla 29er set that should work for 29x2.6 -- I ordered the combo Vittoria Mezcal III / Barzo:


The brakes are currently on another bike but I will take them over: 4-pot Shimano BR-MT520/ bling but plenty of performance:

Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 17.10.15.png

For the rotors I went with Shimano SM-RT86, 180mm rear and 203mm up front:


And finally, an FSA Orbit MX headset in black:

Anhang anzeigen 1753388

Heute ist das Paket geliefert, keine Schaden und den Rahmen und Farbe sieht einfach geil aus. Ich denke die Idee mit silberne Teile lasse ich erstmal: mit einige schwarze Teile aus die Restekiste mach es mehr Sinn es in schwarz aufzubauen.

Sieht richtig richtig porno aus! Bin sehr gespannt.
I suggest to add colour matching protective stuff to create vintage moto style. Crown jewels would apreciate…😉
My Speedbomb theme is thought as reference to Landrover Series cars. Needed waxed canvas stuff. Asked my sewing sorceress for contribution.
Caution on Barzo and Mezcal.
The Mezcal might be wider then the Barzo.
Brakes are greate, have them on my Starling with Galfer Discs.
No bueno...the only bike allowed to have a wider rear than front tire is my Checker Pig:

CheckerPig-CPXC05 - 1.jpeg

But hopefully the 2.6" is just an intermediate solution, I do want to run it true 29+ with at least 3 inch tires when the Bavaria Mudfest 2023 starts in Nov. I almost ordered a set of Hookworms for it after seing the bike Cjell Moné posted yesterday:
Nach einem langen Tag am Isar mit die Kinder jetzt erstmal Bier und dann grillen. Paket von Bike Discount ist schon da -- in einen Tag geliefert, starke Leistung. Auch so das billige SS-Kit von....ich weiss nicht, egal, es ist schwarz, 16t und fürs ausprobieren.

Also, alles da um die Räder fertig zu fehlt nur die Motivation das Tubeless-Setup-Trauma nochmal zu erleben, Muskelkater habe ich auch nach Kniebeugen und Deadlifts gestern...aber gut, hoffentlich dann noch einen Update heute Abend mit praller Reifen ohne Schlauch.
Die Vittoria Mezcal/Barzo geht ohne Problem Tubeless auf die Felgen, aber ich muss die alte Tape weg und neu machen, da war nicht dicht gegen die Speicherlöcher.

Heute werde ich den Rahmen vorbereiten, leider passt die Dropouts beide Seiten nicht ohne weiteres rein, an der Stelle ist Lack und Klarlack zu dick:

Stooge-Speedbomb-TheGasserKlunker - 1 (1).jpeg

Stooge-Speedbomb-TheGasserKlunker - 1 (2).jpeg

Ich will da ungern mit Gewalt reinknacken und Spannung auf das Teil verursachen...also, mit Pfeile das Lack runter machen? Hat jemand von euch das gleiche Problem gehabt?
Die Vittoria Mezcal/Barzo geht ohne Problem Tubeless auf die Felgen, aber ich muss die alte Tape weg und neu machen, da war nicht dicht gegen die Speicherlöcher.

Heute werde ich den Rahmen vorbereiten, leider passt die Dropouts beide Seiten nicht ohne weiteres rein, an der Stelle ist Lack und Klarlack zu dick:

Anhang anzeigen 1755104
Anhang anzeigen 1755127

Ich will da ungern mit Gewalt reinknacken und Spannung auf das Teil verursachen...also, mit Pfeile das Lack runter machen? Hat jemand von euch das gleiche Problem gehabt?
Ja, aber bei einem anderen Rad 🤭

Bisschen anschleifen soll eh helfen, gegen Lackrisse.
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