Bike-Tech Galerie

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Hallo liebe Bike Tech Gemeinde, kann mir einer was zu dem unten gezeigten Toyo erzählen? Ich frage mich ob das 29“ ist und wie derjenige das so hin bekommen hat. Ich bin im Besitz einer solchen Pulcro Gabel und würde mir gern auch solch schickes Toyo aufbauen.



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Hi everybody. Sorry about writing in english. I'm a catalan guy who early this week I bought a "prototype" Bike-tech TG11 Titanium, according to the seller, but there is no serial number. Anybody has some info about it? Who weld it? It was bought in 1997 but It should be younger. Vielen Dank


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No idea. But did you see that cracked weld in the seatclamp?

Having that roller for the front derailleur cable would be very very unusual to be on a bike in 97. Those were basically gone in the early 90ties when Shimano started to make mechs that were able to accept the shift cable from below.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I was looking at some Emery Ti frame done with 6/4, with similar end tubes. And I asked to Markus Stork if he is so kind, to give us some extra info


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