Der 17 Jährige Brandon Semenuk hat sich den Titel auf der Red Bull Evolution geholt.

Hier sind die Ergebnisse im Detail:

1. Brandon Semenuk – $10,000

2. Kurt Sorge – $3,500

3. Thomas Vanderham – $2,000

4. Mike Kinrade – $1,300

5. Cameron Zink – $700

6. Mike Hopkins – $500

7. Cedric Gracia – $400

8. Graham Agassiz – $400

9. Kyle Strait – $300

10. Darren Berrecloth – $300

11. Robbie Bourdon – $300

12. Paul Basagoitia – $300

13. Cam McCaul

14. Michal Marosi

15. Gee Atherton DNS (did not start)

Bester Trick (dotiert mit $5,000): Thomas Vanderham, für einen No-Hand Flug über den 20 MEter Canyon Gap.

Fotos und Videos folgen noch.


Lauf des Siegers Brandon Semenuk:

2ter Kurt Sorge:

3ter Thomas Vanderham

4 Minuten Highlight Video


Cam McCaul

Darren Berrecloth

Graham Agassiz

Thomas Vanderham

Brandon Semenuk

Darren Berrecloth

Darren Berrecloth

Cedric Gracia

Robbie Bourdon

Darren Berrecloth

Paul Basagoitia

Brandon Semenuk

Kurt Sorge

Brandon Semenuk

Brandon Semenuk


(c)Christian Pondella/Red Bull Photofiles

(c)John Gibson/Red Bull Photofiles

(c)Ian Hylands/Red Bull Photofiles

  1. benutzerbild


    dabei seit 12/2015

    ist Cam McCaul etwas passiert oder wieso ist er so weit hinten?!
    Der war doch im Qualyfing der erste. Weiß das irgendwer?

  2. benutzerbild

    Marc B

    dabei seit 07/2001

    ist Cam McCaul etwas passiert oder wieso ist er so weit hinten?!
    Der war doch im Qualyfing der erste. Weiß das irgendwer?

    Im Bericht auf von Ross McMaster steht dazu:

    Cam McCaul: had mechanical trouble with his bike had only hit the canyon gap twice and had cased it both times, sent a no hander pretty much completely blind in his run. He then went down super hard on the next stunt, a step down he hadn't even ridden. Ballsy riding from an awesome rider.
  3. benutzerbild

    Marc B

    dabei seit 07/2001

    ist Cam McCaul etwas passiert oder wieso ist er so weit hinten?!
    Der war doch im Qualyfing der erste. Weiß das irgendwer?

    Er hat seinen Rahmen bei den ersten Versuchen über das Canyonbike geschrottet:

    All Cam McCaul could talk about after qualifying was hitting the massive 59-foot gap on the finals course. Shortly after we arrived he positioned his bike three quarters of the way up the pitch and put on his helmet. He pointed it downhill but didn’t pedal at all – and there was a collective gasp. He cased hard with his rear wheel – so hard it was amazing he stayed on his bike – and then rolled to a stop. He tried once more with a similar result – this time breaking his frame. The failure was no surpise because of the force of impact – the shocker was that it took two tries. (Quelle:

    Nachher ist er aber wieder dabei gewesen:

    Cam McCaul clearly wanted to redeem himself after his first run but things didn’t start off well. Rolling down the steep nasty pitch above the 59er he slipped a pedal. I thought for sure he’d pull the chute but he got back to cranking and launched it. He didn’t trick it but for the first time he cleared it completely. McCaul had spent so much time building up top and focussing on the gap that he hadn't properly scoped the bottom of the course - and his next drop was completely blind. He charged in nonetheless and landed on a rock and fell very hard. By the time he made it to the bottom he was his jovial self - joking with autograph-seekers and potential interviewers - but he had no memory of anything that had happened earlier in the day. One interviewer thought it would be funny to interview him in this state - but I personally don't see the humour in head injuries. Cam's girlfriend, pro downhiller Kathy Pruitt, was livid and was loudly railing at the organizers of the event for what she felt was their failure to provide enough practice and building time before the finals.
  4. benutzerbild

    Marc B

    dabei seit 07/2001

    In diesem Video könnt ihr die dazugehörigen Bilder von McCauls Läufen sehen (inkl. Crash am Ende):

    P.S.: Die Kritik steht ja in der neuen FREERIDE, also das die Fahrer kaum Zeit zum Trainieren der Lines hatten und es deshalb zu vielen Stürzen kam.

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